I made this.
Whatzit do
This is a score tracker for Tetris (or theoretically any score-based game).
You can enter your scores in the big ol' box on the left, and they'll be
added to the lil ol' table on the right. Your averages will also be shown -
these are arithmetic means so don't expect me to drop your worst scores or
anything like that.
How to delete
Oh my goodness! You wanna delete a score, eh? Well that's no problem! Simply
click on the score in the table on the right, and it'll be outta your hair
just like that! *snap*
Delete 'em all
What the heck? You seriously wanna get rid of all your scores? Well I don't
blame you if we're being honest, I wouldn't wanna look at scores that bad
either. Click anywhere on the header of the table (with the "score" and
average labels) and we'll kick those under the rug.
Download my scores
Okay okay, quick! Click off of here, click on the cog in the top left of the
screen, click "Export to file", and it'll download automatically. But hurry
up, we're running out of time!
Gimme my scores back
Aha, so you've come crawling back, eh? You really think you deserve your
scores back after how brutally you clicked that X last time you left the
page? Well... alright. If you exported your scores last time, you can go
back to the cog in the top left, and click "Choose File" under "Import
scores". Then you can dig around your files to find your scores.
Change the averages!!
Whoa there, calm down. If you don't want to show averages of 5 and 12, then
why don'tcha just click on the cog in the top left, change "Average 1" and
"Average 2" to the numbers you want, and then get the heck outta here.
Save my scores
I can't do that from my end yet, but hopefully soon. For now just don't forget
to save often.